News Update Article

Partnering with Nomios for NOC services

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Nomios, a leading security and networking company. Nomios provide Spring Fibre with managed Network Operation Centre (NOC) services, interacting with ISPs and partners to deliver a full end-to-end Customer experience.

CEO at Spring Fibre, Gareth Greppellini said, “I’m delighted with the Nomios partnership, and the vision both sides see in the Alt-net market as an opportunity. The industry is ripe for consolidation, and we see this deal as a foundation to deliver scalability, and to do so sustainably”.

James Allen, UK MD at Nomios said,

“Partnering with Spring reinforces our commitment to the alt-net market. We see their approach as fresh, insightful, and as a broader enabler for the inevitable fibre infrastructure consolidation. We’re also pleased to see their commitment to ESG, and their Net Zero pledge, recognising we can support them to achieve this.”

This strategic partnership is Spring’s next step towards achieving our vision of becoming industry recognised when serving our wholesale customers. With a focus on sustainability and scalability, Spring’s full fibre build is connecting communities across the country to ultrafast, reliable broadband.
